Your donation makes a difference.
Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA), a registered Charity and Institution of Public Character (IPC), has been offering free programmes to stroke survivors and caregivers since 1996.
These programmes facilitate connections among stroke survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the broader community, aiding in their post-stroke recovery journey.
We rely solely on the generosity of grants, fundraising events, and your donations to fulfill our mission, which includes:
Supporting stroke survivors and caregivers
Raising awareness about stroke
Advocating for stroke-related issues
Your donations will be utilized to finance our programmes and events, as well as to cover a portion of the operating costs.
As a Charity and IPC, your donations qualify for tax deductions. We appeal to your support in assisting our stroke survivors through various channels.

Poh Choo, Survivor
Organisation Information
Year of Establishment: 1996
ROS/RCB Registration No: UEN S96SS0196G
Singapore National Stroke Association (SNSA) relies entirely on the generosity of both individual and corporate donors to sustain our operations financially. We are recognized as an Institution of Public Character (IPC), which allows for tax-deductible monetary donations to SNSA. Donors may qualify for a tax deduction of 2.5 times the donated amount. We deeply appreciate and eagerly anticipate your ongoing support and generosity.
We sincerely thank you in advance for your support and generosity!